Tinco Project

Location and Tenure
Located in North-Eastern Saskatchewan, our Tinco Project is focused on the exploration of uranium and niobium. The Tinco Project consists of two mining claims (Disposition Numbers: MC00015793 and MC00017688) covering approximately 7,590 hectares area on crown land in north-eastern Saskatchewan.
Geology and Prospectivity
Geologically, the Tinco Project is underlain by the Mudjatik Domain which is composed mainly of granitoid felsic gneisses of probable Archean age, which are considered to be basement to narrow, arcuate to closed belts of supracrustal rocks of sedimentary and volcanic origins. Two types of uranium mineralisation have been recognised in the area: (a) occurrences in remobilised basement; and (b) occurrences in supracrustal. There are two predominant uranium showings on the property as listed in Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index inventory (SMDI 1028 and SMDI 1029) as summarised below:
- SMDI 1028 Tinco Lake Radioactive Pegmatite: located immediately north of a small unnamed lake and 1.05km west of the north end of Tineo Lake. The area is underlain by pink granite to granodiorite composition felsic gneiss. Assays of samples returned the following values:

- SMDI 1029 – Airways Lake (east of) U-Th Occurrence Trench: consists of anomalously radioactive areas outlined in a 1970 airborne survey of the Airways Lake area. The showing is located approximately 0.37 miles (0.6 km) west of the Tineo Lake radioactive pegmatite, 0.65 miles (1.05 km) northeast of the northwest tip of Keller Lake and 1.25 miles (2.0 km) east of the east end of Airways Lake. The area is underlain by a northeast-trending series of pink, felsic gneisses of granitic to granodioritic composition. SMDI 1029 consists of a radioactive pegmatite and biotite granite gneiss. The occurrence was trenched and returned a sample assaying 0.008% U3O8 and 0.51 % ThO2.
Planned Exploration
The Company intends to undertake a two-phase exploration program. Phase 1 will include an airborne radiometric and magnetic survey, followed by on-ground exploration which will include prospecting, mapping and sampling.
Subject to the results of Phase 1 exploration, Phase 2 will include trenching and drilling to test any high priority targets identified.