Valor Project
Located in Quebec, our Valor Project is focused on lithium exploration. Situated proximal to Sayona Mining’s Authier Lithium Deposit with 14.1Mt @ 1.01% Li2O.11

Project Location and Tenure
Valor comprises of 234 mineral claims covering an area of approximately 125km2 and is located approximately 45km northwest of the city of Val-d’Or, a major mining service centre in Québec, Canada. Valor Project is located directly adjacent to Sayona Mining’s (ASX: SYA) flagship Authier Lithium Deposit. It is situated in the fast-emerging Abitibi Lithium Hub which has been the centre of multiple present and historic lithium projects, including the Authier Deposit (17.1Mt @1.01% Li2O), NAL Mine (101.9Mt @1.06% Li2O), Duval Deposit (75kt @1.45% Li2O) and the Augustus Lithium Project.
Geology and Prospectivity
Valor Project is considered prospective for both lithium and molybdenum mineralisation within the Preissac-Lacome Batholith (PLB), a composite intrusive complex in the Archean Abitibi subprovince of the Quebec Province.
Valor Project covers a region showing several exposures of monzogranitic plutonic rocks that belong to the late peraluminous suite of the Preissac-Lacorne Batholith. Historic geological documentation and mapping have indicated numerous spodumene bearing pegmatites. Relevant literature suggests that the granitic rocks are part of the Lacorne pluton which consists of biotite monzogranite and muscovite-biotite±garnet monzogranite showing a moderate foliation especially at the edges of the pluton. The monzogranites are invaded by granitic pegmatite and aphte dykes and pods.
The Manneville fault marks the contact between the metasedimentary and metavolcanic formations. The Manneville Fault or Manneville Deformation Zone is a regional structure rarely exposed in the basaltic lava outcrops along the north side of Preissac-Lacorne Batholith. Spodumene-bearing granitic pegmatite dykes occur only to the south of the Mannevile Fault and were emplaced in the metasediments of the Lac Caste Formation. The Ascot Dyke is a 244m Spodumene bearing Pegmatite which has sampled 1.75% Li2O on surface and sits on the border of Valor East Block. A secondary Spodumene bearing Pegmatite has been identified from a geological map dated to 1965 where lithium grades remain untested.
Planned Exploration
Limited exploration has been undertaken on the Valor Project tenements in recent years.
Funds raised from the Public Offer will be used to undertake a systematic exploration program including surface mapping, soil sampling, geophysical surveys and potentially drilling on selected targets.
About the Project
- Prospective for spodumene and molybdenum bearing pegmatites
- Favourable greenstone lithology in the southern peripheries of the project
- Contains extensions to the lithium bearing Ascot Dyke known as Duval with up to 1.75% Li2O in outcrop
- One of the largest landholders in the Abitibi province
Focused exploration strategy;
- Regional MMI soil survey covering entire project on a 400m x 400m grid pattern
- Microgravity over anomalous geochemistry and spodumene mineralisation at Duval to define drill targets
- Diamond drilling to test lithium mineralisation extents
- The project footprint makes Infini one of the largest landholders in the Abitibi province
- Sayona Mining’s Authier measured and indicated mineral resource estimate table. Sourced from 14 April 2023 ASX announcement p 9 ↩︎